Man I hit the mother load of motorcycle information!!! Ever since I purchased my laptop I have somewhat neglected my desktop computer. I mean I can work wherever I like with my laptop. Yeah I said work, so what!!! Don't judge! Anyways, I was pissed off last night and decided to be usual asshole self and seclude myself in my bedroom. I fired up the ole desktop which is still kicking hard for being damn near 6 years old! I started clicking through all kinds of crap I have stored away on all those hard drives. I believe I have around 10 hard drives give or take one or two. Probably about 2tb of space. I have music, movies, software, pictures, ramblings, recordings from me and an ole friend rocking out, and then there one was something else!
I found motorcycle service manuals, chopper wiring diagrams, bike engine and frame number sheets to figure out what it all meant, videos, drag bikes, design software, service updates, Harley Phd tests, Harley Phd study guides, and the list just went on and on!
So what I think I am going to do over the next couple of months is start posting some, I can't post all of it, so anyone who would like to read, learn, obtain files or do whatever you want to do with the info. I have a bunch of Jap stuff, Domestic, English. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about all of this stuff. Wow I am still overwhelmed by how much there is.
So anyways, if there is a particular book you are looking for, or service update, wiring diagram, carb papers or whatever feel free to ask me. I will look and get it to you if I have it. Otherwise I am just going to start blogging about performance engines, carbs, or whatever strikes my fancy on any given day!
Almost can't wait until tomorrow, so I can start posting some of this stuff. Of course everyone here is sleeping though, so I have to be quiet.
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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